
In summer 2010, paparazzi snapped photos of movie star Keanu Reeves eating a sandwich on a bench, looking very sad. He was probably ok, but goodhearted geeks on the Internet quickly rallied behind him, spreading word of what a great guy he is despite family tragedies and devising a way to “cheer up Keanu.”

Keanu’s sister has Leukemia, and Keanu is actively involved in promoting cancer research and related charities. We thought it might cheer him up if we helped raise money for cancer research in his name. After The Matrix, we owe him at least that much. (the site) was created by Shane Snow, a journalist and entrepreneur in New York City. He has a dear friend whose wife has cancer, and his grandfather died of cancer. This website is a simple way to help raise money for a great organization called Stand Up 2 Cancer. Every link you create generates an ad that people will see when they click on your link (before your link takes them to the page you were linking to). Any ad money generated goes straight to charity (100%! No scraping off the top. Nada. We’ll post proof of our donations, too.) After a couple weeks, we’ll 301 redirect the url so there is no more ad and your SEO can flow like Jay-Z.

We know ads are annoying, but if you voluntarily opt to make links, you’re helping a good cause. And anyone can just click “skip” if they want. Thanks so much for your support!

And remember, there is no spoon.

Press or other inquiries: Please contact Shane Snow at shane[at]


Posted via web from Brain dump

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